Privacy Policy
As a data analytics company, ALADDINCLOUD LIMITED is committed to complying with data protection laws and ensuring your privacy rights. By partnering with us or using our services, you consent to our processing of your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
1. Data We Collect
The data we collect includes:
Website analytics data (IP address, browsing behavior, clickstream)
Data provided by customers (customer feedback, survey results)
2. Purpose of Data Use
We use data to:
Data analysis and reporting
Provide personalized analysis services to customers
Improve our analytical tools and methods
3. Data Sharing
We do not share your personal data with third parties unless:
Share analysis results with customer authorization
Provision of data to law enforcement agencies as required by law
4. Data protection measures
We employ encryption technology and security protocols to protect your data. All transmitted sensitive data is encrypted.
5. Your Rights
You have the right to access, correct or delete your personal data. If you have any concerns about our data processing, please contact: [email protected]